Monday, January 7, 2008

Suspicion (*****)

Another Hitchcock great! The plot of the film revolves around a wealthy bookish women played by Joan Fontaine, who falls for and marries a gold-digging playboy played by Cary Grant. Fontaine won an academy award for her performance in this film, which is her second Hitchcock role following Rebecca. Grant’s performance is also very impressive. His character in this film is unlike any I have seen him play. Grant is known for his suave ladies’ man persona (see Charade, North by Northwest, Notorious, An Affair to Remember, etc.). In Suspicion, there is some of that but Grant also shows more depth and complexity with even evidence of a dark side. This film also has many of the Hitchcockian trademarks, the sweeping long shots, themes of obsession and underlying sexuality, and lots of suspense. Like many of his films, Suspicion shows the good and evil of each of its characters and it has a great surprise ending too!

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