Sunday, February 3, 2008

Mogambo (***)

A remake of Gable’s earlier film, Red Dust, this was filmed on location in Africa in the early 50’s. Not a great film, but worthwhile given the location and cast (Clark Gable, Ava Gardner, and Grace Kelly). Interestingly, the film touches on a number of, for the time, progressive topics including: infidelity, evolution, religion, genital mutilation, and tribal warfare. The graying Gable plays a chauvinistic safari guide. In the end he makes an attempt to redeem himself (although somewhat unconvincingly). Ava Gardner is particularly good as the dancehall girl who fights against the prime and proper Grace Kelly for Grant’s affection. Sadly, I think Grant’s star power, which must have initially carried the film, has not aged well and may be lost on current audiences.

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