Sunday, March 23, 2008

After Life (1998)*****

In a way station somewhere between life and the here after, a group of individuals are asked to select one memory to take with them to the eternities. The almost minimalist set of this film, with its drab features, and a script that doesn’t bother with explanations, helps to accentuate the meaningfulness of this decision.

I cannot remember a more thought provoking premise to a movie. Perhaps my reaction to this film is related to my wife’s playful reminder that I have now technically reached middle age. Certainly the existential themes in this movie encourage the viewer to examine what aspects of their own life are most meaningful. I highly recommend this movie.


Alyssa Rock said...

Ahhh... yes. This is a favorite of Chris's. You've reminded me that it might be a good birthday gift (since that's coming up soon). Thanks!

P.S. If you are Chris, please do not read this comment. :P

carie said...

We have seen this! Even though it has been a few years, I still think of the water/womb scene all the time.

Unknown said...

Hey if 40 is the new 20' haven't reached middle age. If we can live to 90+....yur still a youngin!

I don't even think I'm middle-aged (38) but that could be my bias.