Monday, May 26, 2008

Fracture (2007)***

Since there has been a lot of hype about Ryan Gosling, I decided to check out this film. Gosling was good, but I haven’t figured out yet if the young baby faced actor was miscast for the role. Anthony Hopkins was great, his acting always seems so effortless. Overall, I thought the storyline was good and the characters were interesting, but the film was a little slow and perhaps overly melodramatic. It is worth renting, or in my case, worth checking out at the local library. I am really looking forward to seeing Gosling’s performance in Half-Nelson, it’s just so far back on my queue.


Alyssa Rock said...

We recently watched Lars and the Real Girl. I didn't think I would like it, but I did. Gosling's performance in that was pretty good---but the real star is the screenplay.

JP said...

Alyssa, Lars arrived yesterday, via Netflixs, the same day you posted your comment. SPOOKY!

Alyssa Rock said...

Whoa... crazy spooky. :)

Just logged on to tell you that you must read article about Kubrick. Very long, but well worth the read.

Alyssa Rock said...

Just found another link you should check out