Monday, January 14, 2008

Thank You For Smoking (****)

This biting satire doesn’t pull any punches as it attacks tobacco companies, politicians, the news media, Hollywood, and especially lobbyists. Nobody is safe. Aaron Eckhart has the lead role and skillfully plays a ruthless tobacco lobbyist (are there any other kind?). Does anyone else see the irony in a Mormon playing a tobacco lobbyist? Eckhart and the rest of the cast do a wonderful job, William H. Macy is especially good, but it is the script that makes this film. With some big names in the cast, I was particularly surprised the entire film was made for only $7 million. If you rent it, don’t miss the included Charlie Rose interview with the director, producer, writer, and Eckart.

1 comment:

jojoLegerski said...

Aaron and Neil for that matter are ALL about irony. IRONY ROCKS. This is one of my favs too!