Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sicko (*****)

Sorry, I hate getting on a my soap box but I think the world would be a better place if people put less energy in vilifying Michael Moore and spent more time trying to understand the issues he presents. It is unfortunate that a country as rich as ours cares so little for its poor. The US has higher infant morality rates and shorter life expectancies than all the other developed countries (who have each accepted universal health care). Is universal health care so terrifying? The wall is down, Russia has democracy, and yet we still have the red scare of socialized medicine!

While we are on the topic of Michael Moore, I highly recommend the film This Divided State. This eye-opening documentary follows the reactions of many conservative members of the Utah County community as Michael Moore comes to give a presentation at their local college.


CK Rock said...

It's funny you should post something about this movie today. We just (re)watched it last night.

I had recently had an argument with someone about the privatization of public education. I was against it and was able to use the ideas of this movie to support my side. ("Look what privatization of health care did to the system").

I highly recommend watching the special features of the DVD, especially the "More with Mike & Tony Benn" segment. Tony Benn presents some very interesting ideas that help to possibly explain why Americans are less likely to embrace a universal health care system.

Alyssa Rock said...

I totally agree re: Michael Moore. When you leave all the Michael Moore baggage behind and just listen to what he's saying, he makes a very compelling argument. I don't know about you, but this movie makes me run the whole gamut of emotions... Definitely his best film since Roger and Me.

JP said...

Of the DVD extras, we watched "SICKO Goes to Washington" which added the "what should we do about this" element to the film. We also watched "Who Would Jesus Deny?", which reviewed the story of a father and husband who sold everything for Chemo therapy, only to be denied half way through the treatments (even though the treatments were working). He died. Can anyone explain to me why the religious right is against universal healthcare?

We will definately have to check out Roger and Me.